Brioni sketches from the 1970s
Brioni sketches from the 1970s




创办于罗马,一位具有远见卓识且颇具声望的裁缝Nazareno Fonticoli和他的业务伙伴Gaetano Savini共同创办了Brioni品牌,此后Brioni声名鹊起,成为眼光挑剔的罗马绅士喜爱的服饰定制品牌。Fonticoli和Savini的合作是匠心技艺与创新创业精神的结合,这为Brioni的传承定下了基调,迄今仍然推动着品牌发展。

Brioni founders Nazareno Fonticoli and Gaetano Savini
Brioni founders Nazareno Fonticoli and Gaetano Savini
Brioni first store on Via Barberini 79, Rome
Brioni first store on Via Barberini 79, Rome

第一家Brioni门店开设在罗马市中心的Via Barberini 79号,提供定制服装、手工鞋履和配饰,每一件单品都精选特色材质,以高标准匠心打造。Brioni成为了身份地位的代名词,体现了国际名流圈的生活方式。从好莱坞偶像到国家元首——各种社会名流都在排队静候这家店铺的手工裁缝帮他们打造盛装。


Tailors and seamstresses at work in the Brioni atelier in Rome, 1960s
Tailors and seamstresses at work in the Brioni atelier in Rome, 1960s


American actor John Wayne is fitted for a Brioni suit in the atelier in Rome, 1950s
American actor John Wayne is fitted for a Brioni suit in the atelier in Rome, 1950s
Brioni designs shown at the Waldorf-Astoria during the World’s Fair in New York City, 1964
Brioni designs shown at the Waldorf-Astoria during the World’s Fair in New York City, 1964
Members of the Brioni team in London for a fashion show at the Hyde Park Hotel, 1959
Members of the Brioni team in London for a fashion show at the Hyde Park Hotel, 1959
Models wearing Brioni ensembles at the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana in Rome, 1960s
Models wearing Brioni ensembles at the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana in Rome, 1960s
A Brioni dinner jacket in red and black wool, 1960s
A Brioni dinner jacket in red and black wool, 1960s
A Brioni dinner jacket in silk and gold lamé, 2000s
A Brioni dinner jacket in silk and gold lamé, 2000s
A Brioni double-breasted tuxedo jacket in silk paisley with black satin lapels, 1960s
A Brioni double-breasted tuxedo jacket in silk paisley with black satin lapels, 1960s


2020年,Brioni以文艺复兴时代著名的佛罗伦萨宫廷风格的Sala Bianca为舞台,欢庆品牌创办75周年。重返佛罗伦萨的品牌带领众人重温了其传奇历史的开端。
